Autumn Dazed

Dress- UO, Bag-UO, Skirt- Grandma's, Socks-Topshop, Creepers-Underground, TurtleNeck-Handmedown, Hairband-Primark 
There's been so much to blog about recently, but there hasn't been so much time. Though finally half-term has arrived, which means lots of going out (so many more outfit posts to come!). Recently, I've had an obsession for 1960/70's hippy vibes ( a bit of Mia Farrow!) mixed with the kitsch high- school trend. The tartan skirt is definitely going to be a key winter wardrobe piece- whether it be a country heritage look or punk inspired look.  Talking of the 1960/70's I managed to pick a kaftan up from a charity shop for £14 ( a bit more than I'd usually pay), but everywhere else seems to have decided to rip the nation off...but hey. Look out for mood boards coming up, as my friend Chloe and I are really going ahead with out t-shirt company- who knows some freebies maybe on the way! Izzy xo 

Criss Cross

Collection- Y-3 SS11 (Images via
Blouse-Gap, Blazer- Primark, Skirt- Car-boot Sale, Shoes-Thrifted
Excuse the rather ill look on my face...blurgh
Tartan, a timeless trend. It somehow pops up every season. Vivienne Westwood may come to mind with the punk era- or maybe plaid country heritage. So with that in mind, I went all out with tartan (I felt tempted to wear my tartan tights, but I think I would have got one look too many...maybe next time!) To contrast with the English heritage vibes, I decided to wear my 70's platform boots. I tend to clunk around in them considering they're a size too big, but it's worth it for the price of $5! Look forward to the next post, and the next- I've got them planned already (for once!)

Blurred Georgian Dreams

Finally Autumn has arrived. However, the English weather at the moment is currently very bipolar- hot,cold,hot,cold, etc,etc. I decided to dress in more autumn tones today, purples and browns, something a bit more 'chic' than usual. I'm currently obsessed with classics and period drama, such as Downton Abbey (can't way for Sunday's episode!) and classic like Tess of the durbevilles. Perhaps that has led to a more neat and polished look? On the other hand, I've been in love with the band Wolf Gang. Max McElligot the lead singer is JUST fab *teen squeal moment* (plus going to see them in less than two weeks, anyway enough on that!). So with all of that in mind, I ventured to Chiswick Park with my friend Amy. Chiswick Park is scattered with georgian styled buildings and sculptures, hence why it was mentioned in films such as 'The Duchess'.
Plus a big thank you, we've reached over 700 (!!!!).

Mother prom Queen

I said there was Meaham Kirchhoff inspired posts to come and her it is. Burn out prom Queen vibes galore. Though I did try not to be just a one trick pony and edge towards more Alexander McQueen and Vivienne Westwood with their organic vibes (mainly just the fishnet socks, but it does the job). I'm a yummy colouroholic at the moment spurred on by Philosophy AW11. Not only that, just think of all the Harajuku style trends and ironic neon religious iconography. In more of a pop-culture reference, I have been listing to Nikki &the Dove all week. Her electric vibes just make you think of a candy cosmo wonderland, and life couldn't be better than that. 

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